.NET 2.0 and .NET 3.0 RTF Controls are greatly lacking.
I was recently asked to investigate RTF controls for a .NET 2.0 Smart Client project. There problem was tables pasted into the RTF control from an RTF document they were using were loosing their format. Below is the email I sent the team. It amazes me that none of them worked.
You've got a pretty big problem. The components are either not capable of handling all the functionality Word and Wordpad have built into them, or MS has built their RTF engine to act differently.
I have tried all of the companies listed below with no luck. The best ones were the HTML editors. I have attached the NetRix Demo exe (WordEditing.zip). I am not sure if the application's logic would allow for HTML editing instead of RTF, but that would be the best option from what I have seen.
This is from the MS RTF specification:
Tables are probably the hardest part of RTF to read and write correctly. Because of the way Microsoft word processors implement tables, and the table-driven approach of many Microsoft RTF readers, it is very easy to write tables in RTF that are not compatible with Microsoft word processors when you try to read the RTF.
This is from a site I found:
Disadvantages of RichTextBox
- The RichTextBox control only supports a single page. Although, you can simulate multiple pages by displaying and/or printing a series of 1-page documents.
- No support for table layouts in your documents
- No support for page headers or footers
The Demos I tried:
Syncfusion Essential Studio.
TX Text Control 13.0.NET
TextDynamic .NET
Janus WinForms Controls Suite for .NET
Xceed Editors for .Net
Developer Express
Sub Systems- TE Edit Control
Gnostice eDocEngine ActiveX/.NET
NetRix (HTML Editor)
Cute Editor (HTML Editor)
FCKeditor (HTML Editor)
The .NET 3.0 RichText Textbox control
a few other custom built controls from individual developers
and building an interop with winpad's Msftedit.dll and Riched20.dll
Sorry I couldn't find any RTF controls that work.
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