The Complete C# Language Specification Version 3.0 Download
I would publish the TOC but it's 15 pages long. Just go download it.
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UPDATE (7-19-2007): I have an updated post here.
UPDATE (7-18-2007): I noticed EA 7.0 Build 814 has been released. There is however no mention of resolving the MDG issue I mention in my post. I received an email, copied in my post, that said the issue would be resolved in build 814. There is mention MDG performance has improved, but I would think something that has stopped the product from being used would be a resolution.
Has anyone that could not open their repositories with 813 open them with 814?
I am not willing to upgrade until SPARX specifically says the issue has been resolved.
I have posted these questions in the SPARX forums here. You can check it for updates.
I upgraded to SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA) 7.0 and MDG Link 3.0 for Visual Studio 2005 and then downgraded to MDG Link 2.1 for Visual Studio 2005.
The MDG link 3.0 could not open any SQL repositories. Well it could open them, but then it re-opened them and re-opened them and re-opened them until I killed the VSTS process.
I tried installing it twice, but no luck. The EA 7.0 install went well and I didn't run into any problems with it. It was able to open the SQL repositories.
The good news is that uninstalling MDG Link 3.0 and re-installing MDG Link 2.1 went ok and 2.1 works fine with EA 7.0. NOT!!! I had to also uninstall EA 7.0 and re-install EA 6.5.
I think I'll be waiting for MDG 3.1 to try again as it seems to be the problem. So much for using ICONIX with EA 7.0.
UPDATE (7-11-2007):
The answer I got from Sparx Tech Support:
This issue has been resolved and will be fix in EA Version 7
The only workarounds are
1. Install the MDG 2.1
version until EA 7 Build (814) is released.
2. Use a local EAP file in your
VS Project.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I am not sure why they still have it out there because this known issue makes the product completely un-usable for those of us using repositories.????
Microsoft has put up a new download. It comes as a pre-configured VHD. The download enables you evaluate Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite in a Windows Vista environment. The download comes in 29 separate files. 28 of them are 95 MB, and 1 of them is 33 MB.
Overview (From MSDN)